what does R.F.D. stand for?

and here's part two of our dream time xian folk whisperings series which will conclude today. i'm not sure any of the psych heavies out there have determined this band's origin, and maybe that's appropriate cause the sounds are so floating and free of worry its hard to imagine them belonging to the ears of a hungry coffee house audience or some stodgy church group. the fact that it's jesus music doesn't make a big difference here... on a certain level psychedelic wordplay is sufficiently similar to liturgy and these can enmesh and intertwine quite successfully if a band doesn't feel the need to throw fire and brimstone. sounding very local, very white, and purely at ease, this LP is a total charm for hometown-soundz-doing-the-christ-thing-bag. hopefully they can take you home too.....
here's a group shot courtesy of will at showandtellmusic.com who graciously photographed the backside of this album fer internet posterity. so classic...

p.s. thanks to timsky for these sounds!
RFD = Rural Free Delivery.
Great album thanks for posting it.
Any chance you could repost the 4th Movement LP too.
Love this album. No idea what RFD stands for though. Ken Scott's Archivist doesn't list either. This file is no longer available. Any chance you will repost?
RFD = Russ, Fred and Dan.
We have re-issued this album in May this year under license from Fred Stoppelkamp. You may purchase the CD by contacting www.metavox.co.kr
Wow, was going through my record collection and came across this. My dad, Bob McCune, was the producer and I remember hearing the band as an 8-year-old while they were recording.
Timothy -- Please drop me a line at: hobbes@wcvt.com if you can.
All the best, Jack
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